Internet Marketing For Real Estate

May 3, 2013

Your exposure on the internet as a real estate broker is crucial as it is where the majority of your sales begin. Over 85% of real estate transactions start online through sites like Trulia, Streeteasy and Naked Apartments.

Just like clients are doing their research on several homes, there are clients that research real estate agents to find the best one for their situation. This is why digital marketing is important for real estate brokers. Real estate is an industry that involves personal contact and clients only want to work with someone who is experienced and has their best interest at heart. The relationship between a broker and client is very personal as they are trying to find a “home.” As a broker, it is important to have a great reputation with your neighborhood, your clients and your company.

real estate

Internet marketing tools like e-mail marketing campaigns and paid search advertising are what highlights the accomplishments and great reputation of a real estate broker. These online marketing tactics help brokers reach out to their community so that those unaware of  their expertise are informed. This strategy also keeps real estate brokers in touch with past clients so that future referrals can be made as well. Any business person would say that great online marketing tactics and strategies will bring in leads and traffic but in real estate, the personal relationship will create a tighter bond and connect the broker to the rest of the neighborhood.

Connections are everything in this industry and the internet gives you the ability to reach out to everyone digitally. People like working with those they know about and can trust and real estate brokers can ensure this by presenting themselves on the web. Building these relationships online include introducing yourself, the work you’ve done and your connection to the neighborhood but that’s only the beginning. It’s important to tell your story as well so that people see you as “real” and really get to know you. For example: “Jane Doe. Soccer Mom. Runner.” Things like these help clients relate to you and make them more inclined to trust you as their broker. It will also make you more memorable as there is a myriad of real estate brokers in a neighborhood.


And now, where would you place this information? That’s where marketeers come into play. We can help you create a site, blog, LinkedIn profile page, email outreach campaigns, follow-up emails and other social media outlets. Wherever you think your audience is, we can make sure you are connected with them in the best way.

BYOD in the Workplace

May 2, 2013

As the business world thrives in technology, mobility is key in this fast-paced industry as many companies are already using the “Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)” method in their workplace. People want what they want when they want it. This may refer to a business meeting in a coffee shop, a conference out-of-state or an elaborate opening at a store. Work doesn’t only take place in an office and as time goes on, business employees may not even have a specific office to congregate in. The old-fashioned ways of a business strictly in an office space may be necessary for an entire company to have official meetings but technology has made it possible for everything needed for a business to occur remotely.


With web-based project collaboration sites like Basecamp and Github, members of a project including advertisers, designers, developers and the clients themselves can reach out to one another about a project. Meetings can be scheduled on a universal calendar, discussion can be made throughout and files can be easily uploaded and retrieved from any device. Questions and concerns can also easily be answered on the go through a smartphone or tablet as well as a desktop due to these web-based features.

Mobile phones rather than an office phone also link you to your clients on a more personal level. You don’t want to be like any other business where your client can just be another lead among the masses. You want to connect with them that makes them feel special so that they feel like they are getting the best of your services accustomed to them. A personal relationship is unlike a professional one but if you can combine the two successfully, your bond will be stronger than ever. It’s important to connect with clients in this manner to build a strong company that is close to your client base.


The convenience of a mobile device also adds to building a great company. With meetings in several places and a numerous amount of clients to satisfy, people want to feel like you are “always there for them” to help them with their every need. There is a huge difference in satisfaction when a client is leaving a message with your secretary and when they are leaving a message directly to your cell phone. They will feel more connected on a personal level and be more likely to expect a response from you.

In today’s world, smartphones can do almost anything from sending and receiving calls, texts and emails to browsing the web. It’s important to take advantage of the opportunities mobility can provide us. By having this method available for your employees, it’s easier to keep track of what is going on with projects and to contact one another regardless of where they are. The future will eventually be mobile so you might as well get a head start and take advantage of these opportunities now.

Internet Marketing Through PPC

May 1, 2013

When it comes to internet marketing, paid search advertising through pay-per-click (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) come to mind as they are the most effective tactics. Many real estate agents realized the potential of these methods for great placement and the best exposure on search engines in the shortest amount of time possible.

In the world of real estate, timing is everything as great places at amazing prices come and go quickly. A home is a sanctuary and a place of comfort that people purchase for a long period of time. People want reliable real estate agents that provide the best places at the most reasonable prices. The myriad of agents in a city make it difficult for an agent to stand out above the rest, unless he is the top grosser in a large firm or something of the sort. Paid search advertising changes the game as agents can advertise themselves easily on popular search engines for clients to find. The image below portrays how PPC works from a visual standpoint.

As you can see, PPC isn’t controlled by popularity but rather through the use of paying others to get your services started. This makes the playing field easier for those who just joined the game of Real Estate and gives them a chance to make something of themselves from the get-go. Obviously, using PPC for your entire career isn’t practical. PPC is meant for start-ups and small businesses to make a name and present themselves to the public. Once their image is out there, it is their own responsibility to positively influence their client base.

It’s important to understand the effectiveness of PPC as the advantage of it is so beneficial. Paid search management is also necessary as it researches your industry and the keywords relevant to your company and competitors. By having original, descriptive copy with such keywords, you will be linked to the right clients rather than poor-click conversion rates. There are many other job fields similar to real estate that depend on timing for success and this method brings you to the attention of the right people the quickest.

For more insight, check out our e-book “The Essential Guide to Internet Marketing“!