Landing Pages – It’s Like a First Date for your Website

February 10, 2020

Landing pages and first dates have a lot in common. In both cases, poor performance will get you ghosted. This Valentines day we’re including 3 quick landing page tips, followed by some examples and useful links. Over the years our agency has designing a number of landing pages and, like dates, not all of them worked out the way we expected.

3 Quick Landing Page Tips:


Messaging & Consistency


If you told a date you were 6’2 and showed up being 5’5 your date might be a little confused. The same principle applies to a landing page. If I hint at something in a paid add, banner or social media post, but send users to a unrelated landing page – they’re going to bounce. And they should. If you stay consistent with your messaging there’s a better chance your date and your visitor will stick around.



Almost all landing pages should be created with a specific goal in mind you want the visitor to achieve. If you were dating – it might be going home together. So keep it simple. For landing pages, remove any unnecesary content, navigation or links and move the important messaging toward the top of the page. For dating, don’t talk about your Mom or college bro stories from Freshman year


Optimize for Scannability


When your walk through the door the first thing your date is going to do is a good once over and check you out. Did you comb your hair, are your shoes tied, is your shirt ironed, do you seem well put together etc. The same goes for a landing page. People browse landing pages like magazines at the checkout line, not books at the library. Create short content chunks with lists, images or other elements that are easily scanned if a user scrolls to the bottom of the page quickly.


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Landing Page Examples and Resources:


A few years ago we started working with the Unbounce landing page platform and highly recommend it. They also put on a great conference each year in Vancouver with all kinds of good speakers and resources if you can make it. We went to the Unbouce CTA Conference a few times and always found it valuable (read our conference recap post here if you want to learn about our experience). Here’s few high converting landing page examples from their site as well.


This site (and their podcast) has been on my radar for a couple years now and has a tremendous amount of resources and info on content marketing, writing and of course landing pages.

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